IPSA-Concordia Summer Institute in Applied Diplomacy


The IPSA-Concordia Summer Institute in Applied Diplomacy is a ten-day program hosted at Concordia University, in the heart of Montréal, from 18 to 28 August 2025. Policy-oriented seminars will be complemented with a practical hands-on Diplomacy Lab, allowing the participants to work on case studies in teams. Through field trips to Global Affairs Canada and the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), participants will also explore practitioners’ points of view and have the opportunity to network with Montréal’s vibrant international community. The Institute is open to local and international students or young professionals, either for credit or non-credit options.  .  

Montréal is home to over 70 International Organizations (IOs), including IPSA and the only UN agency in Canada (the International Civil Aviation Organization), and has a very active consular corp. Furthermore, it is situated close to Ottawa, Canada’s capital, making it easy for ambassadors and global affairs experts to participate in the Summer Institute.

The Summer Institute is offered in person but will host a virtual option for international participants who wish to audit the course.

We invite all graduate students, young researchers and professionals to participate in the upcoming IPSA-Concordia Summer Institute in Applied Diplomacy.

Academic Leaders
Dr. Elizabeth Bloodgood, Professor of Political Science, Concordia, Dr. Kim Fontaine-Skronski, Executive Director, IPSA

Educational program

The course objective is to combine theory and practice by prominent scholars and diplomats for the benefit of participants from around the world. Students will attend two (2) or three (3) classes per day at the Concordia University downtown campus, combining discussion of the theory and practice of diplomacy as it has changed over time, complemented with a practical hands-on Diplomacy Lab to collaborate on actual case studies as teams.

Course Outline

  • Introduction: The Evolution of Diplomacy
  • Diplomacy in International Relations Theory
  • Traditional Diplomacy – States, International Organizations
  • Changing Diplomacy – Agencies, Non-State Actors
  • International Negotiations, Past and Present
  • Digital Diplomacy
  • Municipal Diplomacy
  • Trade Negotiations
  • International Law and Norms of Diplomacy
  • Environmental Negotiations
  • Scientific Diplomacy
  • Arctic Diplomacy
  • Indigenous Diplomacy

The language of instruction is English but written assignments can be submitted in either French or English. In 2025, students registered for academic credit will be required to participate in person, while non-credit participants will attend remotely via Zoom.

Educational Field Trips

Global Affairs Canada
A virtual field trip to Global Affairs Canada, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Relations based in Ottawa, Canada, will be organized so all participants (credit and non-credit options) can take part in this exciting visit.

Students will also meet leaders of the Montréal-based United Nations’ International Civil Aviation Organization as well as participate in networking events with diplomats and governmental officials. Please note that this field trip is only in person.

Guest Lecturers 2024
*in order of appearance

  • Elizabeth Bloodgood, Associate Professor and Chair, Department of Political Science, Concordia University
  • Micheline Ayoub, Executive Director, Future Earth
  • H.E. Annick Goulet, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Canada to the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)
  • Natalia Grincheva, Arts Management, Lasalle College of the Arts, University of the Arts Singapore
  • Frédéric Letullier, Head Conference Services, ICAO
  • Véronique Lamontagne, Executive Director of Lawyers without Borders, former Director of the Office of International Relations of the City of Montréal and Senior Advisor and co-founder of the Mayors Migration Council
  • Yolanda Spies, Director of the Diplomatic Studies Programme, University of Oxford
  • Chief Ghislain Picard, Chief of the Assembly of First Nations Québec-Labrador
  • Geoffrey Kelley, Former Québec Minister for Indigenous Affairs, 2014-2018
  • Kyle Matthews, Executive Director of the Montréal Institute for Genocide and Human Rights Studies (MIGS) at Concordia University
  • Sarah Cox, Director, Circumpolar Affairs & Head of Delegation, SDWG, Arctic Council, Crown Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs
  • Delphine Ducasse, Legal Officer, Canadian Mission to the World Trade Organization, Global Affairs, Canada
  • Sean Clark, Consul & Senior Trade Commissioner, Consulate General of Canada in Denver
  • Mathieu Ouimet, Professor at Laval University and Executive Director of the International Francophone Network on Scientific Advice (Réseau francophone international en conseil scientifique)
  • Tomas Hatala, PhD Candidate, Carleton University
  • Corneliu Bjola, Associate Professor of Diplomatic Studies, University of Oxford
  • Kim Fontaine-Skronski, Executive Director, IPSA
  • Don Stephenson, Former Canadian Ambassador to the WTO


Local students are expected to attend in person and will be charged Concordia’s standard fees. International students have the option of completing the Summer Institute for academic credit and, consequently, the tuition is in accordance with Concordia’s international student fees. Students who are attending the institute for credit are expected to be in residence in Montréal for the duration of the Summer Institute. However, international students who do not wish to obtain academic credit have the opportunity to join in a non-credit option where the Summer Institute program can be accessed virtually, for a reduced fee.  

Canadian students (Academic Credit Option)

  • Fees: For Concordia students, the course will be registered as a regular course and the standard fees apply. For non-Concordia (but Canadian) students, use the tuition and fee estimator to figure out the applicable course fees.
  • Attendance: In person 

International students (Academic Credit Option)

  • Fees: For international students seeking to obtain credit for the course, the course fees will be charged as per usual for international students. Please use the tuition and fee estimator to figure out the applicable course fees.
  • Attendance: In person
  • Residence: Students taking the course for credit are required to attend the Institute in person. As such, they are expected to be in residence in Montréal. The Grey Nuns Residence is an excellent option, within a few minutes of Concordia University, which offers discounted rates for summer students. Alternatively, students can find their own accommodation.

Canadian Students & International Students (Non-credit Option) 

  • Fees: The non-credit option is $335.00 USD for students and $435.00 USD for professionals. 
  • Attendance: Virtually over the Zoom platform. Students will not be able to participate in the field trip to ICAO.

How to apply

Credit Option

Applications are due by 5 May 2025 to be eligible for a grant. IPSA will offer three grants of $335.00 USD to the top student applicants who apply by this deadline (either for in-person or online applicants). For those who do not wish to apply for a grant, they can still register by 8 August 2025 or until spaces are filled. 

In your application, please provide:

  • Your name, university, country, email address and telephone number.
  • A letter of intent (1000 words maximum), that answers these questions:
    • Why are you interested in attending the IPSA-Concordia Summer Institute in Applied Diplomacy this summer?
    • What previous experience or preparation have you had in the area of diplomacy, both practical and academic?

The institute is also available for young professionals working in governmental and non-governmental agencies. 

For your application to be complete, you must submit the following:

  • your letter of intent answering the above questions;
  • an unofficial transcript from your current program or most recent degree;
  • your CV;
  • a referee's contact information (email/telephone#) who can speak to your academic experience.

Please note that the Summer Institute is an intensive course involving class sessions and labs between 9 am and 3 pm most days, as well as nightly readings with summaries, and thus very fast-paced. The final syllabus for the Institute will be available in May 2025.


Non-credit Option

Applications are due by 10 August 2025 or until spaces are filled. Sessions will be offered in virtual form over the Zoom platform. Students will not be able to participate in the in-person field trip to ICAO. To apply, please fill out the following Non-Credit Participant Registration Form.


Contact Information and Questions

Questions about the IPSA-Concordia Summer Institute, and application processes, can be sent to ipsasummerschool@concordia.ca.


The 2024 edition of the IPSA-Concordia Summer Institute in Applied Diplomacy, held in a hybrid format in Montréal and virtually from 19-29 August 2024, proved to be a resounding success. The Summer Institute was offered in person, though students who wished to take non-credit courses were given the option of attending via Zoom.

Academic Leaders
Dr. Elizabeth Bloodgood, Professor of Political Science, Concordia, Dr. Kim Fontaine-Skronski, Executive Director, IPSA

Keynote Address by Ambassador Annick Goulet

The 2024 IPSA-Concordia Summer Institute in Applied Diplomacy successfully kicked off at Concordia University on 19 August 2024, featuring a keynote address by H.E. Annick Goulet, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Canada to the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). 

In her address, titled Navigating Modern Diplomacy: ICAO, Aviation's Global Forum, Ambassador Goulet discussed the significant shifts in the diplomatic landscape driven by globalization, technological advancement, and the growing demand for public engagement. She emphasized the need for diplomats to adapt and expand their skill sets to navigate the complexities of today's international political landscape. She also highlighted the influence of technology, especially social media, on the way diplomats engage with the public and communicate on the global stage.

The keynote address also provided a closer look at ICAO's role as a global forum for international civil aviation. Ambassador Goulet explained the governance structure of ICAO and the decision-making processes that guide its mission. She also shared insights into how the organization addresses the intersection of global geopolitical conflicts and the aviation industry's adoption of new technological tools. Drawing on her extensive experience, Ambassador Goulet also shared her journey from journalism to diplomacy, offering a unique perspective on the skills required in both fields.

Summer Institute Program

The 10-day intensive program included theoretical and policy-oriented seminars, together with a hands-on Diplomacy Lab where participants formed teams to work on case studies and present policy recommendations on the following topics: 

  • Advancing Global Sustainability Through Digital Governance, presented by Micheline Ayoub, Director of Future Earth Canada Hub and Affiliate Assistant Professor at the Department of Geography, Planning and Environment at Concordia University;
  • Fighting Online Extremism and Violence Against Immigration, presented by Elizabeth Bloodgood, Associate Professor at the Department of Political Science at Concordia University and Co-organizer of the IPSA-Concordia Summer Institute in Applied Diplomacy; and
  • Advancing SDGs in the Arctic in Tense Geopolitical Times, presented by Sarah Cox, Director of the Intergovernmental and International Relations Directorate at the Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada, and Canadian Head of Delegation to the Sustainable Development Working Group (SDWG) at the Arctic Council. 

On 27 August, IPSA Executive Director, Kim Fontaine-Skronski, and former Canadian Ambassador to the World Trade Organization (WTO), Don Stephenson, presented a session on Trade Negotiations, Past and Present. Dr. Fontaine-Skronski lectured on the WTO and its mandate from a historical perspective, while Mr. Stephenson shared his valuable experience as a negotiator with the WTO and other organizations. 

Participants also had the opportunity to engage with representatives from Concordia University, Oxford University, Future Earth, Lawyers without Borders, and the Assembly of First Nations Quebec-Labrador, among others. Additionally, they visited the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) offices in Montreal, the only UN specialized agency based in Canada.

The 2024 edition concluded on 28 August with the participants’ presentations as part of the Diplomacy Lab, followed by a dinner. 

Guest Lecturers 2024

*in order of appearance

  • Elizabeth Bloodgood, Associate Professor and Chair, Department of Political Science, Concordia University
  • Micheline Ayoub, Executive Director, Future Earth
  • H.E. Annick Goulet, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Canada to the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)
  • Natalia Grincheva, Arts Management, Lasalle College of the Arts, University of the Arts Singapore
  • Frédéric Letullier, Head Conference Services, ICAO
  • Véronique Lamontagne, Executive Director of Lawyers without Borders, former Director of the Office of International Relations of the City of Montreal and Senior Advisor and co-founder of the Mayors Migration Council
  • Yolanda Spies, Director of the Diplomatic Studies Programme, University of Oxford
  • Chief Ghislain Picard, Chief of the Assembly of First Nations Quebec-Labrador
  • Geoffrey Kelley, Former Québec Minister for Indigenous Affairs, 2014-2018
  • Kyle Matthews, Executive Director of the Montreal Institute for Genocide and Human Rights Studies (MIGS) at Concordia University
  • Sarah Cox, Director, Circumpolar Affairs & Head of Delegation, SDWG, Arctic Council, Crown Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs
  • Delphine Ducasse, Legal Officer, Canadian Mission to the World Trade Organization, Global Affairs, Canada
  • Sean Clark, Consul & Senior Trade Commissioner, Consulate General of Canada in Denver
  • Mathieu Ouimet, Professor at Laval University and Executive Director of the International Francophone Network on Scientific Advice (Réseau francophone international en conseil scientifique)
  • Tomas Hatala, PhD Candidate, Carleton University
  • Corneliu Bjola, Associate Professor of Diplomatic Studies, University of Oxford
  • Kim Fontaine-Skronski, Affiliated Professor, Department of Political Science, Concordia University, and Executive Director, IPSA
  • Don Stephenson, Former Canadian Ambassador to the WTO
  • The second edition of the IPSA-Concordia Summer School in Applied Diplomacy, held in hybrid format on 6-16 June 2022, proved to be a resounding success. The Summer School was offered in person, but international students who wished to take non-credit courses were given the option of attending virtually.
  • The 10-day intensive program included theoretical and policy-oriented seminars, together with a hands-on Diplomacy Lab that allowed participants to form teams to work on case studies. The academic program was prepared by Prof. Elizabeth Bloodgood (Concordia) and Dr. Kim Fontaine-Skronski (IPSA).
  • At the end of the Summer School, students were invited to choose among three real-time case studies and present policy recommendations on the following three topics:
  • Migrant Labor in a Covid19 North America 
  • The US, Canada and Mexico Free Trade Agreement (CUSMA): Automotive Industry and Government Procurement sectors
  • Arctic Futures when the Chair is at War
  • On 14 June, IPSA Executive Director, Kim Fontaine-Skronski, and former Canadian Ambassador to the World Trade Organization (WTO), Don Stephenson, presented a session on “Trade Negotiations, Past and Present.” Dr. Fontaine-Skronski lectured on the WTO and its mandate from a historical perspective, while Mr. Stephenson shared his valuable experience as a negotiator with the WTO and other organizations. 
  • Participants also heard from representatives from Global Affairs Canada, the Canadian Foreign Affairs Department, on Trade negotiations, Digital Foreign Policy and the Middle East. They also had the opportunity to visit the only UN Specialized Agency in Canada, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), based in Montreal.
  • In total, participants heard from 22 distinguished speakers. We look forward to holding the third edition of the IPSA-Concordia Summer School in Applied Diplomacy at Montreal’s Concordia University in June 2023.
  • Guest Lecturers (*in order of appearance):
  • Dr. Elizabeth Bloodgood, Associate Professor and Chair, Department of Political Science, Concordia University
  • Dr. Bob Reinalda, Fellow and Senior Researcher at Radboud University, Nijmegen, NL
  • Mr. Jess Dutton, Director General, Middle East, Global Affairs Canada and Former Canadian Ambassador to Egypt 
  • Dr. Natalia Grincheva, Assistant Professor in the Department of Media at the National Research University Higher School of Economics in Moscow, Russia
  • H.E. Alejandro Estivill, Consul General in Montreal, Mexico
  • Mr. Henri-Paul Normandin, Former Director, International Relations Bureau, City of Montreal, and Fellow at the Institut d’études internationales de Montréal (IEIM)
  • Dr. Nicole de Silva, Assistant Professor, Political Science Academic Director, Political Science Co-op Program, Concordia University
  • Mr. Pierre Marier, Director, Tariffs and Goods Market Access, Global Affairs Canada 
  • Ms. Nadine Nickner, Director, Government Procurement, Trade and Environment Division, Global Affairs Canada
  • Dr. Corneliu Bjola, Associate Professor of Diplomatic Studies, University of Oxford
  • Mr. Kyle Matthews, Executive Director of the Montreal Institute for Genocide and Human Rights Studies (MIGS) at Concordia University
  • Ms. Sarah Cox, Director, Circumpolar Affairs & Head of Delegation, SDWG, Arctic Council, Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs
  • Mr. Sean Clark, Director, Trade Agreements Secretariat, Global Affairs Canada
  • Dr. Philippe-André Rodriguez, Deputy Director, Centre for International Digital Policy, Global Affairs Canada
  • Dr. Jean-Christophe Mauduit, Lecturer in Science Diplomacy at University College London (UCL) in the Department of Science, Technology, Engineering and Public Policy (STEaPP)
  • Dr. Jean-Christian Lemay, Research and Innovation Attaché at the Québec Government Office in London
  • Admiral Lutz Feldt, Vice Admiral (ret) of the German Navy, German Maritime Institute
  • Dr. Mathieu Denis, Acting CEO and Science Director, International Science Council (ISC)
  • Dr. Kim Fontaine-Skronski, Affiliated Professor, Department of Political Science, Concordia University, and Executive Director, IPSA
  • Mr. Don Stephenson, Former Canadian Ambassador to the WTO
  • Mr. Nabil Naoumi, Former President Air Navigation Commission, ICAO
  • IPSA-Concordia Summer School in Applied Diplomacy

  • 7-16 June 2021

  • Virtual

  • The first edition of the IPSA-Concordia Summer School in Applied Diplomacy was held on 7-16 June in a fully virtual format and proved to be a success. The ten-day intensive and stimulating program included theoretical and policy-oriented seminars complemented with a practical hands-on Diplomacy Lab, which allowed the participants to work on case studies in teams. The academic program was prepared by Prof. Elizabeth Bloodgood (Concordia), Prof. Cameron Thies (Arizona State University) and Dr. Kim Fontaine-Skronski (IPSA). Students were invited to choose among three real-time case studies and present policy recommendations at the end of the Summer School on the following three topics:
  • International Migrant Labor;
  • COP 26 Negotiations;
  • Transnational Social Justice Movements.
  • Seven modules covered the main areas of diplomacy from Traditional forms, International Negotiations and Norms of Diplomacy to Intergovernmental agencies and non-state actors as well as Municipal and Digital Diplomacy. A special session was also organized on Science Diplomacy.
  • Two virtual field trips were held, one with Global Affairs Canada, the Canadian Foreign Affairs Department, where participants learned from the Trade Agreements Secretariat, the North America Policy and Relations Division, as well as from the Centre for International Digital Policy. A second virtual field trip allowed participants to visit the only UN Specialized Agency in Canada, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), based in Montreal, and learn about the important work done by the Air Navigation Commission.
  • In total, participants heard from 26 distinguished speakers. The feedback from the participants was very positive, and we look forward to holding the second edition of the IPSA-Concordia Summer School in Applied Diplomacy in June 2022 onsite at Concordia University in Montreal.
  • List of Guests Lecturers at the 2021 Edition (*in order of appearance): 
  • Dr. Bob Reinalda, Fellow and Senior Researcher at Radboud University, Nijmegen, NL
  • Mr. Jess Dutton, Director General, Middle East, Global Affairs Canada and Former Canadian Ambassador to Egypt
  • Dr. Natalia Grincheva, Assistant Professor in the Department of Media at the National Research University 'Higher School of Economics in Moscow, Russia
  • H.E. Dr. Alejandro Estivill, Consul General in Montreal, Mexico
  • Mr. Henri-Paul Normandin, Fellow at the Institut d’études internationales de Montréal and Former Canadian Ambassador to Haïti
  • Dr. Michele Acuto, Associate Dean (Research), Professor of Global Urban Politics and Director, Connected Cities Lab, University of Melbourne
  • Dr. Matthew Hoffman, Professor of Political Science, University of Toronto
  • Ms. Lydia Zemke, Postgraduate Researcher - Department of Science, Technology, Engineering and Public Policy, University College London
  • Dr. Nicole de Silva, Assistant Professor, Political Science Academic Director, Political Science Co-op Program, Concordia University
  • Me Neil Hazan, Partner at BLG Law
  • Dr. Corneliu Bjola, Associate Professor of Diplomatic Studies, University of Oxford
  • Dr. Nazli Choucri, Professor of Political Science, is a Senior Faculty at the Center of International Studies (CIS), and Faculty Affiliate at the Institute for Data, Science, and Society (IDSS), MIT
  • Mr. Kyle Matthews, Executive Director of the Montreal Institute for Genocide and Human Rights Studies (MIGS) at Concordia University
  • Mr. Sean Clark, Director, Trade Agreements Secretariat, Global Affairs Canada
  • Dr. Florian Olsen, Senior Policy Research Analyst, United States, North America Policy and Relations, Global Affairs Canada
  • Dr. Philippe-André Rodriguez, Deputy Director, Centre for International Digital Policy, Global Affairs Canada
  • Ms. Elisabeth Holme, Project Manager at Scientific Coordination Office Bavaria Research Alliance
  • Dr. Jean-Christophe Mauduit, Lecturer in Science Diplomacy at University College London (UCL) in the Department of Science, Technology, Engineering and Public Policy (STEaPP)
  • Dr. Jean-Christian Lemay, Research and Innovation Attaché at the Québec Government Office in London
  • Dr. Gabrielle Simard, Former Scientist in Residence, Délégation générale du Québec à Munich
  • Dr. Mathieu Denis, Science Director, International Science Council (ISC)
  • Sir Peter Gluckman, Chair, International Network on Government Science Advice (INGSA) and President-elect International Science Council (ISC)
  • Dr. Stéphanie Balme, Dean of Collège universitaire de Sciences Po, Professor at the Paris School of International Affairs and Founding member of the European Science Diplomacy Initiative
  • Dr. Pierre Lemonde, Director of Research at CNRS, Institut Néel, and former Advisor for Science and Technology at the Embassy of France in China
  • Mr. Frédéric Letullier, Head Conference Services, ICAO
  • Mr. Nabil Naoumi, President Air Navigation Commission, ICAO
  • Following official recommendations about COVID-19 issued by the Governments of Canada and Québec, IPSA and Concordia University decided to postpone the first IPSA-Concordia Summer School in Applied Diplomacy to June 2021. IPSA and Concordia University’s main concern is to guarantee the health and well-being of our students.