Born in Istanbul, Turkey, Füsun Türkmen graduated from The George Washington University in Washington D.C., where she obtained her B.A. in Political Science with honors, Phi Beta Kappa, Pi Sigma Alpha (Political Science Honor Society) and Pi Delta Phi (French Honor Society). She has undertaken her Ph.D. at the Graduate Institute of International Studies in Geneva , Switzerland, where she also worked as an intern at the UN Center for Human Rights (Subcommission for Human Rights) and prepared the technical report on the draft Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989). After completion of her Ph.D. with a thesis on President Carter’s international human rights policy in 1991, she became an international civil servant at the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA). Since 1999, she has been teaching human rights, international organizations and US foreign policy at Galatasaray University’s Department of International Relations in Istanbul, Turkey. She is currently full professor of IR, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences, Director of the Center for Research and Documentation on Europe and Coordinator of the International Relations Office of the University. She has published extensively (in Turkey, France, the US and Great Britain) on the international protection of human rights , humanitarian intervention,US Foreign Policy, Turkish-US and Turkey-EU relations.
Professional memberships and fellowships: Salzburg Seminar Fellow, Turkish Political Science Association (EC member since 2003), International Political Science Association (EC member since July 2014, Chair, RC 26 on Human Rights 2012- 2014; and Chair, Local Organizing Committee for the 2016 IPSA World Congress in Istanbul), International Studies Association, Global Relations Forum.