In a joint venture with Federica Web Learning, the Center for Multimedia Education of the University of Naples, IPSA offers IPSAMOOC, a set of political science Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), for cooperative knowledge-sharing across the globe. Authored by outstanding academics from the IPSA community, the IPSAMOOCs project provides access to a high-quality core curriculum for political scientists and students worldwide.
IPSAMOOCs are an essential tool for a wide number of users: students who are considering or starting a degree in political science; professors and lecturers at any level, who can innovatively complement their existing courses; anyone interested in a better understanding of the challenges facing contemporary democracies.
With an innovative interface, IPSAMOOC offers interactive classes with no geographical constraints!
The IPSAMOOCs are available on Coursera and edX, the two leading MOOCs aggregators globally. All IPSAMOOC courses are open and free of charge, enabling learners to engage with the world of political science at their own pace. For a small fee, a certificate is also available on both platform for learners who successfully complete the content and assignments. IPSA members are also entitled to a free independent certification issued by IPSA.
Since 2023, the IPSAMOOC program is available on Coursera. Founded by two Stanford University professors, it is the world's leading MOOC platform with over 150 million learners worldwide. The current courses on Coursera include:

Introduccion a la teorìa politica (Spanish, subtitled in English)
Multilingual Subtitles on Courses on Coursera

To expand its global reach and serve a diverse audience, IPSAMOOC has launched multilingual subtitles for its political science courses on Coursera. The introduction of French, Japanese, Spanish, and Turkish subtitles mark a significant step forward in IPSAMOOC’s goal to provide high-quality political science education in languages other than English. The following political science courses on Coursera currently have subtitle options:
- Understanding Political Concepts
- Comparative Political Systems
- Comparative Research Designs and Methods
- Global politics
IPSAMOOC Multilingual represents a significant advancement in online learning. In today's multipolar world, the need for high-quality political science content is more crucial than ever. The growing number of learners signing up for IPSAMOOC courses speaks to this emerging reality. Additionally, mother tongue instruction can play a pivotal role in enhancing the learning experience. Going forward, we plan to expand our offerings to include other languages.
EdX, is a MOOC platform founded in 2012 by Harvard and MIT privately owned by 2U since 2021. EdX is second in the world with over 86 million users. IPSAMOOC offers seven (7) courses on edX.
Edx XSeries
Five of the IPSAMOOCs form part of an XSeries, a new frontier in alternative online qualifications. It combines a set of related MOOCs to form a comprehensive curriculum, leading to a professional certificate that can be included on CVs and applications. The IPSAMOOC XSeries is the first online highly qualified and certified core curriculum in Political Science from a global provider.
All edX IPSAMOOCs Available in Spanish

Initially only offered in English, all the edX IPSAMOOCs are available in Spanish since 2021.
Courses Offered in Spanish
- Sistemas políticos comparativos
- Comprender los conceptos políticos
- Diseños y métodos de investigación comparativa
- Problemas contemporáneos en la política mundial
- Política global
- Introducción a la teoría política: conceptos y grandes pensadores
- Democracia y Autocracia
The IPSAMOOC XSeries is also offered in Spanish