Can Freebies Announced at the Time of Elections be Included Among the Welfare Benefits: The Case of India

Open Panel

Most states depend upon various welfare schemes to provide support to weaker sections of society through transfer of cash, goods or providing essential services. Now a days many governments in developing countries have started offering many freebies ranging from free water, electricity, free bus or train ride to women or senior citizens to electronic goods, such as, mobile phone, computer, scotty, in order to attract the voters during election campaigns. Freebie culture is quite new and widely prevalent due to the inadequacy or retreat of the welfare state in the wake of neoliberalism worldwide. Whereas the welfare provisions are supposed to be long lasting, freebies are essentially instantaneous.

The questions arise: do such offers really help in winning elections? Is such expenditure out of taxes generated desirable and/or sustainable in the long run? What is its impact on national economy? Can freebies be equated with some other welfare provisions related to subsidized education, transport or health services? Who would decide what is justified, what is not justified in the name of freebies? What is the role of judiciary? Can it override executive and legislative branches? Can the Election Commission stop the misuse of freebies as bribe? Who can ensure the accountability of false/lucrative promises made at the time of elections?

Further, who can be held responsible for enforcing many such lucrative promises made to gain political dividends? How to differentiate freebies from welfare schemes? Do freebies amount to bribing the voters? Are they compatible with democracy, etc. All freebies legitimate welfare measures or not? Are freebies in practice due to failure on the part of governments to provide basic facilities and security to all citizens and/or remove socio-economic disparities? How to deal with controversies over freebies in the current times? A What are likely causes and consequences of freebies in a country like India? My paper discusses some of these issues and more in the context of a welfare state. The methodology adopted is analytical, empirical and comparative.

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