Le Léman Express ou la sécurité du Grand Genève

Le Léman Express ou la sécurité du Grand Genève

Par : Jean-François Clouzet

Release date: Dec 2022


Nombre de pages: 332

ISBN: 978-2-14-030066-0

More About this Book

At the heart of the Greater Geneva area, the Léman Express challenges existing institutional arrangements, due to the implementation of the 4th European railway package, the presence of a border and the security issue it raises.

This book examines the ways in which a public policy is constructed outside of the classic tools and mechanisms for its implementation in order to observe the emergence of a functional space of security specific to the "Greater Geneva".

Jean-François Clouzet has a doctorate in political science and is a graduate of the University of Geneva (UNIGE). In this book, he describes his experience of research-action at the heart of the CEVA - Léman Express cross-border cooperation project.