Lega & Padania. Storie e luoghi delle camicie verdi (In Italian)
Par : Gianluca Passarelli
Release date: Jan 2012
Nombre de pages: 232
ISBN: 978-88-15-23777-4
A traditional party which stress issues of the extreme right-wing such as immigration and security? Territorial and local party as the German Csu and/or the Catalan autonomists? Or again, a cross cleavages party which muddle up old inherited form the Nineteenth century? There was only a way to solve such as doubts: interview the leghisti. After reporting the history of movement, and illustrated its electoral atlas, the authors stressed the internal tree diagram (factions, positions toward the leadership). So, beyond the myths and novelists theorizations it arises the "true" leghista people. Members, activists, middle élite leadership are today - with the economic crisis - face to a big and difficult transition, while come back the recurrent policies of the LN's identity: Padania and secession.