European Parliamentary Elections in Comparative Perspective
Contact: ogluengo@ugr.es
Deadline: Mon, 30 Sep 2024
On behalf of the organizers, notably the Faculty of Political Science and Journalism at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań and the Faculty of Political Science and Sociology at the University of Granada, you are invited to participate in the session entitled “European Parliamentary Elections in Comparative Perspective,” which will take place at the Collegium Polonicum in Słubice (Poland) in conjunction with the annual conference Europe of the 21st Century, held on 6 February 2025. The session is a joint event presented by IPSA RC22 Political Communication, RC10 Electronic Democracy, and RC26 Human Rights.
Organizers welcome contributions from scholars, researchers, and practitioners to engage in meaningful discussions and enhance our collective understanding of European parliamentary elections from the perspectives of political science and political communication. We invite scholars and researchers to submit abstracts for presentation at the conference or detailed proposals for publication.
This event aims to facilitate discussions and exchanges on various dimensions of European Parliamentary Elections, with a special emphasis on comparative approaches.
Organizers invite submissions of original papers, not published or considered for publication elsewhere, that contribute to the theme of the session. All accepted papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings.
Abstracts should be submitted electronically no later than 30 September 2024 to ogluengo@ugr.es and magdalena.musial-karg@amu.edu.pl.
Please include a brief biography and contact information with the abstract.
For further information: magdalena.musial-karg@amu.edu.pl.
For more on the conference agenda, travel to Słubice and accommodations: europa21.edu.pl.