8th International Interdisciplinary Conference of Political Research

8th International Interdisciplinary Conference of Political Research

Sat, 17 Jun 2023 - Thu, 22 Jun 2023


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At the 8th edition of SCOPE: Science of Politics - International interdisciplinary conference of political research (17-22 June 2023, University of Bucharest, Romania), FOOD (and drinks) take center stage as both a subject around which political research may be fruitfully focused and as facilitator of dialogue.

Climate change and the recent food crisis generated after the Russian invasion of Ukraine, brought the politics of food higher on the public agenda but, despite the urgency and the richness of the terrain, (political) research in the field is still scarce and/or little known for most of the larger academic community.

At the same time, such substantive issues cannot be fully grasped without addressing the contemporary dynamics of politics as food (for politicians, political researchers and other policy and political stakeholders) or without investigating their connection to democratization processes, human rights concerns, or their international impact and socio-economic implications.

These are the two major dimensions of reflection around which scholars across different disciplines are invited to submit papers, panels or round table proposals from various conceptual, empirical and methodological perspectives.

Marking the Sustainable Gastronomy Day, the 2023 edition also launches the Bucharest Culinary Diplomacy Fest, an event that brings together diplomats, scholars and hospitality industry experts with the aim of showcasing and discussing the latest trends in culinary diplomacy.

Like for all previous editions of SCOPE: Science of Politics, with the support of IPSA RC33, the conference includes a special section dedicated to debating current challenges in our discipline. In 2023, this section features roundtables on the level of precarity within the community of political researchers, on how to improve the welfare and safety of political scientists worldwide, as well as on the contemporary markets for political (research) expertise.

Submission deadline: 15 February 2023