ESPAnet 2022: Social Policy Change between Path Dependency and Innovation ​

ESPAnet 2022: Social Policy Change between Path Dependency and Innovation ​

Wed, 14 Sep 2022 - Fri, 16 Sep 2022

Vienna, Autriche

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Organized by: The European Network for Social Policy Analysis

The 20th Anniversary Conference of the European Network for Social Policy Analysis (ESPAnet) will take place on-site in Vienna on 14-16 September 2022. The event will be hosted by the Institute of Sociology at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Vienna, Austria.

The pandemic, the crisis in many geopolitically diverse areas and the resulting migration flows, environmental and economic changes extend the range of social challenges to be faced by welfare states. We can observe several paths of change and adaptations that differ across countries, territories and policy fields.

How do welfare states navigate these troubled times? How do they embrace change and pursue a balance between path dependency and innovation?

The 20th ESPAnet Anniversary Conference will offer you a place to engage, discuss and present your research findings with international social policy academics in the wonderful Viennese frame. Vienna is a highly international city and provides an excellent venue for the ESPAnet Conference, with its multiple historical and cultural attractions, as well as a consolidated tradition of engagement in the provision of social policies.

In addition to paper presentations sessions, the Programme will include a poster session, book and project presentations. Finally, considering the times we are living in, we are also exploring the possibility of organising some additional sessions online, 2 days before the on-site Conference, to offer opportunities of participation and exchange also to those who may encounter difficulties in travelling.

To submit an abstract, please create an account in the conference management tool and follow the step-by-step submission process:

In the submission process you will be asked to indicate the track (stream) you wish to apply for, the specific format of your abstract, your affiliation and an abstract of 500 words. You will also have the option to name multiple authors. 

You can submit an abstract of either a paper or a poster. 

The deadline for abstract submission is 4 April 2022. The Conference Committee will inform applicants by 13 May 2022.

Please bear in mind that the decision about acceptance of the paper will exclusively be communicated to the person who submitted the paper via the conference management tool.