IPSA RC36 and RC51 Interim Conference: Power and Crisis in Unsettled Times
Fri, 31 May 2024 - Sat, 01 Jun 2024
View Call for Proposals for this Event
Organized by: RC36 - Political Power and RC51 - International Political Economy
IPSA's RC36 - Political Power and RC51 - International Political Economy will organize a joint interim conference entitled Power and Crisis in Unsettled Times in Porto, Portugal, from 31 May-1 June 2024.
Power has been studied in many contexts. One especially interesting, but neglected, context would be how power manifests itself in crises that stem from transformations in competing socio-political arenas at both domestic and international levels. Hence, old certainties and institutional settings crumble, and actors have to face the unsettling conditions of a state of flux.
What power dynamics reveal themselves when people are faced with especially threatening situations? To whom are the reigns of control assigned when groups are faced with impending threats? What happens to democratic process during such dire times, particularly in developing and emerging nations, where institutions are not as consolidated as they are in the advanced industrial societies? What power dynamics establish themselves after the crises are abated? There are many such questions that are of special interest to students of power.
In particular, we are concerned with unpacking the interplay between crisis and the subsequent redistribution of power during periods in which new actors emerge as providers of both material and ideational resources, as has been the case in the aftermath of the 2008 Global Financial Crisis. Yet, this conference takes a broader view in inviting papers beyond specific critical junctures and aims at exploring the dynamics of power in crisis both in a short and long-term perspective across disciplinary boundaries: economic, political, social, religious, environmental, geo-political, health, etc. Hence, participation is open to any scholarly field in which power is studied.
Please send your abstracts by 1 December 2023: 150-200 words max.
Please send your papers by 1 May 2024: 8,000 words max.
If interested in attending or presenting a paper, please contact:
- Giulio Gallarotti: ggallarotti@welseyan.edu
- Alina Vladimirova: alina.v.vladimirova@gmail.com
- Vinícius Rodrigues Vieira: vgvieira@faap.br