Thinking Ahead: Avenues and Challenges in Crisis Forecasting
Mon, 07 Nov 2022 - Tue, 08 Nov 2022
Munich, Allemagne
Organized by: The Center for Crisis Early Warning
Contact: KompZKFE@unibw.de
The Symposium has three key aims:
(1) the generation, integration, and the evaluation of ideas through multi-disciplinary research;
(2) bringing together academia and the policy community;
(3) emphasizing and promoting data-driven approaches to peace and conflict studies.
It seeks to provide ample opportunities to present your research and to exchange, discuss and evaluate ideas around the topic of conflict.
The event registration is open to interested academics and policymakers. We invite you to submit your proposal on crisis early warning. We are specifically interested in proposals related to the
following topics:
▪ Transnational aspects of conflict;
▪ Crisis forecasting trends and challenges;
▪ Actors in conflict;
▪ Moving beyond common data sources.
Please send in your abstracts (300-500 words) to KompZKFE@unibw.de by Monday, 1 August.
A paper draft is required by Friday, 21 October.
The KompZ KFE is jointly funded by Germany’s Federal Ministry of Defence (MoD) and the Federal Foreign Office (FFO).
The KompZ KFE seeks to develop innovative conceptual approaches and methods to improve crisis early warning systems. The main tasks of the KompZ KFE are (1) conducting quantitative crisis and
conflict research using innovative conceptual and methodological approaches (predictive analytics) and (2) helping the above federal ministries to predict and assess crises and conflicts and thus to take
appropriate preventive measures.
The research output of the KompZ KFE benefits the digital crisis early warning systems used by MoD and FFO.