Uottawa Summer School in Survey Research in Collaboration with the Angus Reid Institute
Mon, 05 May 2025 - Fri, 16 May 2025
Ottawa, Canada
Organized by: University of Ottawa
Contact: dstockem@uottawa.ca
During the 2 weeks, participants will undertake all the necessary stages required to undertake a public opinion survey, from the selection of research questions and topics to cover, to the development of survey questions, their programming, analysis, and their public communication.
In the 1st course, participants will learn methods for conducting public opinion survey, elaborating questionnaires and survey experiment, the ethics of survey research, theories and state of public opinion in substantive policy areas. In the 2nd course, participants will learn the main steps for analyzing quantitative survey data, from data preparation and visualization, to univariate, bivariate, and multivariate statistics. Participants will learn to analyze data with the statistical software Stata.
This program is tailored for professionals and graduate students who want to acquire skills in survey research. Over the two weeks, participants will acquire the necessary knowledge to conduct and analyze their own survey. The Microprogram in Survey Research and Public Opinion attracts professional candidates working particularly in the fields of civil service, public policy, and market research.