Postdoctoral Researcher
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich
Deadline: Sun, 20 Mar 2022

The Chair of Comparative Political Science (Prof. Dr. Nicole Bolleyer) at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich (LMU) at the Geschwister-Scholl-Institute of Political Science (GSI) is advertising with a start date of 1st October 2022 up to five positions of a Postdoctoral Researcher (m/f/d, 100%, TV-L E13).
Job Description
- Conducting research in the context of the ERC-funded project CIVILSPACE (, especially the cross-national and over-time analysis of the legal environments of civil society organizations in EU countries.
- Joint publication of research results with the research team.
- Contribution to administrative tasks at the chair.
- Provision of teaching in the area of comparative politics (2 ‚Semesterwochenstunden‘ per year, equivalent to 1 x 90-minute seminar for one semester per academic year).
Job Requirements
- An excellent dissertation in a social science discipline relevant to CIVILSPACE (completed or close to completion).
- Research interests related to CIVILSPACE.
- A good knowledge of cross-national data collection, management and analysis (quantitative or qualitative). Experience in the design and implementation of data coding protocols as well as the analysis of legal data are desirable.
- Fluency in English. Fluency in one additional European language (that is not German, Italian or Hungarian) is desirable.
- Excellent organizational skills and the ability to work independently and in teams. Experience of working in cross-national, comparative projects is desirable.
Our Offer
- Pay is based on TV-L, ,Entgeltgruppe' E 13. The work load is 40,1 hours a week.
- Posts ought to be filled by October 1 2022 and are initially restricted to a duration of either one or two years (probation 6 months) with the possibility of extending them by one more year.
- Your workplace will be centrally located in Munich and can be easily reached by public transport.
- As an equal opportunity employer, the LMU Munich particularly encourages applications from women. Given similar qualifications, applications by persons with disabilities will be given preference.
Your application
Please submit the following (in English):
- Cover letter that explains your motivation to join the CIVILSPACE project and what qualifies you for the post;
- CV;
- Diplomas;
- Contact data for two referees (referees will be contacted only at the interview stage).
The submission deadline is March 20th 2022. Please submit your application per Email (in 1 PDF, max. 5MB) to the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich, Chair for Comparative Political Science, Ms. Sabine Zwerger,
Interviews are planned for April 7th and 8th 2022.
If you have any questions, please get in touch with Professor Dr. Nicole Bolleyer (