Brazilian Political Science Review

Brazilian Political Science Review


Publication date: Jan 2013

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The Brazilian Political Science Review is published by the Brazilian Political Science Association and is the only political science and international relations journal published in English in Brazil. The main goal of the BPSR is to support the diffusion of high-quality political science work produced both in Brazil and abroad, thus contributing to the exchange of ideas within the international political science community.

BPSR is covered by the following abstracting and indexing services: International Political Science Abstracts, Latindex, Sumário de Revistas Brasileiras, Scielo Social Sciences, Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) and ProQuest. BPSR is also classified as quality A2 by CAPES.

The BPSR welcomes submissions of articles, ongoing research notes and review essays from political scientists and researchers from related disciplines. The scope of the journal is broad as it accepts submissions representing the entire range of political science research – theoretical or empirical, cross-national or focused on a single-country, quantitative or qualitative.

To submit, please send your manuscript to:



Government, Political Actors and Governance in Urban Policies in Brazil and São Paulo: Concepts for a Future Research Agenda 
Eduardo Marques8-36
The institutionalization of Brazilian Political Thought in the Social Sciences: Wanderley Guilherme dos Santos’ Research Revisited (1963-1978) 
Christian Edward Cyril Lynch36-61
Mapping and Explaining the Use of the Left-Right Divide* 
André Freire, Kats Kivistik61-90
“Securing our Survival (SOS)”: Non-State Actors and the Campaign for a Nuclear Weapons Convention through the Prism of Securitisation Theory* 
Renata H. Dalaqua90-118
Foreign Policy Change in Brazil: Comparing Castelo Branco (1964-1967) and Fernando Collor (1990-1992) 
Ítalo Beltrão Sposito118-145

Research Note

Human Rights and Development – An International Political Economy Perspective 
Cristiane Lucena145-161

Book Review

Diffusion of Good Government: Social Sector Reforms in Brazil 
Denilson Bandeira Coêlho