IPSA’s First Open-Access Book


IPSA’s first Open Access book, Does the UN Model Still Work? Challenges and Prospects for the Future of Multilateralism was published by Brill in November 2022. 

Edited by Kim Fontaine-Skronski, IPSA Executive Director, Valériane Thool, Lecturer in International Law at University of Sherbrooke, and Norbert Eschborn, Director of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Canada, the book is composed of original articles from scholars and policy notes from practitioners based on the contributions to the Conference “The UN at 75: Challenges and Prospects for the Future of Multilateralism” organized by IPSA in 2020.

Published by Brill, the book attempts to draw up the state of multilateralism through the UN model and identify potential ways to address its challenges and shortcomings. The contributors question the role of multilateralism, sometimes accused of being fragmented, inefficient and unrepresentative, and its impact on global governance, democracy, trade and investment, the environment, and human rights. Since most of the authors are not from the UN system, the content of the contributions provides an external and more neutral assessment of the UN’s ability to continue to function today as a serious actor within a global movement in favor of a renewed form of multilateralism.

What is Open Access?
Open Access has become a new business model for research publications. The popularity of OA journals increased in the early 2000s due to rising subscription costs and the need for prompt dissemination of scholarly content. OA allows published research to be freely accessible to readers, facilitating the unrestricted dissemination of information to broader audiences. 

Photo: 8 March Book Launch 
(from left to right)
: Daniel Stockemer (Konrad Adenauer Chair in Empirical Democracy Studies and Co-editor of International Political Science Review), Jamie Webbe (President & CEO of the United Nations Association in Canada), Kim Fontaine-Skronski (Co-editor and IPSA Executive Director), Valériane Thool (Co-editor and Lecturer at Université de Sherbrooke), Norbert Eschborn (Co-editor and Director of KAS Canada).

Photo: 15 March Book Launch 
(from left to right)
: Janie Piuze-Duclos (Editorial Assistant), Norbert Eschborn (Co-editor and Director of KAS Canada), Kim Fontaine-Skronski (Co-editor and IPSA Executive Director), Henri-Paul Normandin (Former Canadian Ambassador to the UN and Keynote Speaker) and Valériane Thool (Co-editor and Lecturer at University of Sherbrooke).
