This panel brings together studies that contribute to understanding governance for sustainability through approaches that address the interdependence between environmental, social, and economic challenges in urban and rural areas of Mexico. From a data-driven perspective, the discussions will examine the influence of data quality and local government capacities on the implementation of sustainable policies, revealing the importance of robust information systems and transparency mechanisms in achieving effective governance outcomes.
A critical environmental governance lens will explore urban waste management and the adaptation strategies necessary to meet sustainability goals in cities. This approach highlights the importance of inclusive governance mechanisms that integrate sociocultural specificities and address global issues, such as pollution and biodiversity loss, with locally tailored solutions. The examination of urban environmental management will consider the influence of neoliberal public management models on citizen participation and sustainability in metropolitan areas, emphasizing the complexity of policy implementation and the potential for collaboration between various stakeholders.
In a rural governance context, the panel will discuss cooperative strategies among peasant organizations, focusing on how these communities navigate market pressures while fostering sustainable and resilient structures. The analysis of cooperative governance provides insights into innovative organizational practices that contrast with traditional corporate governance models, offering lessons on sustainability and resistance.
Additionally, the panel will delve into citizen-led initiatives, which integrates solidarity economy principles with active public space management to combat socioeconomic inequalities in Guadalajara’s periphery. This initiative demonstrates how grassroots collaboration can foster economic resilience and social cohesion, addressing urban challenges through participatory and context-sensitive solutions.
Together, these contributions enrich theoretical and practical understandings of governance by emphasizing the need for adaptive, inclusive, and collaborative approaches. The panel will provide a comprehensive exploration of how different governance forms can promote sustainable development by leveraging local knowledge, fostering active participation, and ensuring effective coordination across diverse sociopolitical landscapes.
Forms of Governance for Sustainability: Data, Participation, and Collaboration in Mexican Urban and Rural Contexts
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