The New Democratic Landscape and the Contemporary Democratic Crisis

Open Panel

During the past two decades, the crisis of democracy in the world due to the globalization backlash wave has been largely reflected in the third wave democracies, the situation has become more complicated with the wave of decline in democracy at the global level during the past five years; the shifting face of globalization, with shifting political, economic, and social balances.
The most prominent of these influences on emerging democracies has been the rise of actors outside political parties, compared to the decline in the popularity of traditional and established parties that contributed to inaugurating the transition to democracy and working to consolidate its foundations, as well some of these new actors appear as independents and belong to parties whose orientations they may not adhere to in many crises, which greatly weakens party bases relying on their populist policies, which threaten democratic construction in the long term.
While talking about re-globalization and the rise of new actors as a way to redefine the political landscape, it is important to understand that the crisis facing emerging democracies would ultimately lead to the loss of the state of democratic consensus and the loss of opportunities for everyone, which would reduce the possibilities of democratic consolidation of these political systems.
Hence, this panel will focus on How these new political actors challenging the future of democracy?
At a the time where re-globalization adopts systemic foundations of open societies that are attacked or modified both from the inside (populism) and from the outside (the rise of authoritarian powers),
And what impact it does on the third wave democracies also the crisis of emerging democracies in terms of new actors and their tools for entering into political and electoral competition and emerging issues such as climate change and immigration that they embrace in the face of traditional parties and the impact of this on democratic stability and the future of these parties in light of a global crisis facing democracy.

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