LOC02 International Relations in East Asia

Track Code
Track Chairs
Prof. Ajin Choi
Prof. Jihwan Hwang

East Asia is a core region of international politics where military and economic capabilities are not only concentrated, but the US-China competition has also most intensified. In particular, the United States is actively promoting an alliance network through its Indo-Pacific strategy while China is expanding its influence through the One Belt and One Road Initiative. Furthermore, Japan is accelerating its transformation into a normal state, inter-Korean relations have been strained including North Korea declaring its possession of nuclear weapons, and Southeast Asian countries are growing rapidly as important actors in the region. East Asia is leading international relations by demonstrating capabilities and influences both in the traditional security and economic areas and in the newly emerging fields. But at the same time, there are also elements of instability and uncertainty in this region along with historical issues, territorial disputes, arms races, and the decline of democracy. This track welcomes the submission of papers that seek to analyze and find implications of such dynamically changing international relations of East Asia from various perspectives.