Avant-Garde Politician: Leaders for a New Epoch

Avant-Garde Politician: Leaders for a New Epoch

By : Yehezkel Dror

Release date: Jan 2014

Westphalia Press, imprint of Policy Studies Organlization

Number of pages: 350

ISBN: 9781935907855

This book presents an original iconoclastic view of humanity moving through metamorphosis, driven mainly by science and technology. Radical human enhancement, synthesis of viruses and perhaps forms of life, new interfaces between humanity and its environments, and replacement of much of human employment by quasi-intelligent robots and molecular engineering illustrate the emerging radical break in the history of Homo sapiens. Just as important are likely value changes, between expanding mass-killing fanaticism and human “maturation,” and perhaps another Axial Age transforming human self-understanding. All these pose unprecedented opportunities for thriving and dangers of calamities, up to demise of humanity. Coping requires thinking in term of humanity as a whole, a radically novel global regime up to a Circumscribed Global Leviathan, and new modes of human existence. Also essential is a new type of avant-garde political leaders qualified to compose and implement radical "humanity-craft" grand-policies advancing raison d’humanite. The book explains the metamorphosis, details raison d’humanité-serving imperatives, proposed a Global Humanity Constitutions with a powerful Global Authority, specified required qualities of avant-garde politicians and ways to acquire them, and proposes approaches to composing humanity-crafts. The book is available as a paperback, a Kindle edition (containing real page numbers), and a Kindle Matchbook.