5th International Conference on Public Policy (ICPP5)
Contact: icpublicpolicy@gmail.com
Deadline: Fri, 29 Jan 2021
5th International Conference on Public Policy (ICPP5) organized into two phases:
- A Call for Panels (1st September 2020 - 30th October 2020)
- A Call for Papers (16th November 2020 - 1st February 2021)
The ICPP "panel" provides a homogeneous and coherent space for academic debate on a specific public policy research question where scholars can present and discuss their research. The panels can address any theoretical, methodological, or empirical research question and cover a large range of topics provided they are related to Public Policy. During the Conference, the panels will be divided into 1 to 3 sessions of 2h each and organized around paper presentations. To allow researchers to meet other peers and to discover new perspectives surrounding the same research questions, ICPP only accepts open panel proposals and divides the call for panels and the call for papers into two distinct phases.
During the first phase, the "call for panels", scholars must submit a proposal that will be evaluated and selected by the scientific committee. A panel proposal should include a description of its general objective, a definition of its research question, and a justification of its scientific relevance. This will enable the international scientific committee to select the panels. It should also integrate a "call for papers" detailing the type of papers expected.
For the second phase, the "call for papers", the accepted panels will be published on our website along with their presentations and research question, and the call for papers description. Scholars will be able to submit a paper proposal for a specific panel that will comprise a title, an abstract, and tackle the research question. The panel chairs will directly manage the selection of the papers and will be asked to accept from 4 to 15 papers according to their quality and relevance to the panel.
The panel submission is an online process. To submit a panel, you must:
1. Log In to your IPPA account or Create an account if you haven't one (HERE). If you have co-chairs, they also need to have an IPPA account.
2. Complete the online form with the following information (in English) :
a. Title of the panel.
b. Choice of the topic from the list.
c. The Email address of your Panel Chair(s) (if applicable). Please note that to add the emails, the co-chairs also require having an IPPA account.
d. A description of the objectives of the panel and its scientific relevance (300 min. to 500 words max). The description must explain the context of the topic, contain a brief state of the art, present the research question, and the different hypotheses the panel can explore.
e. A “Call for Papers” of around 300 words that explains the type of papers the chairs are expecting from the paper proposals.
Before the end of the period, the panel chairs can modify their proposal, by adding co-chairs and/or changing the description. The panel description is available on the panel chair's IPPA account, at "ICPP5" and "MY PANELS".
Each panel must identify the main topic corresponding to its Research Question. The topic is essential to help future authors interested in submitting a paper to find more easily a panel proposal in the list of selected panels. The available topics are:
- T01/ Policy Process Theories
- T02/ Comparative Public Policy
- T03/ Policy, Politics, and Political Regime
- T04/ Public Problem and Agenda Setting
- T05/ Policy Formulation, Administration and Policymakers
- T06/ Policy Implementation
- T07/ Policy Design, Policy Analysis, Expertise and Evaluation
- T08/ Policy Discourse and Critical Policy Research
- T09/ Interest Groups, Business, Networks and Governance
- T10/ Federalism and Multi-level Governance
- T11/ Methodologies
- T12/ Gender, Diversity and Public Policy
- T13/ Science, Internet and Technology Policy
- T14/ Sustainable Development, Environment and Policy
- T15/ Inequalities and Public Policy
- T16/ Global Policy
- T17/ Health Policy
- T18/ Sectorial Policy
- T19/ Teaching Public Policy and Pedagogy
- T20/ Other