South Asian population has a mixture of ethnic and tribal groups. Contemporary South Asian societies have witnessed many issues regarding their social, economic, and political frames or discourses. The sociological discourse on rural and tribal communities has further shown how to map inherent identity questions and practices. Thus, debates on the sociological engagement of these social groups are South Asian economies; there is a necessity to understand the livelihood experiences and hurdles faced by the Adivasis or tribal communities of South civilized livelihood regarding areas of livelihood sustainability. The sociological engagement of social groups is necessary to understand the diverse social and economic issues and dynamics of development discourses of South Asia. Further, the quest for livelihoods sustainability is an overarching phenomenon of the development agencies of the state and non-state actors. To keep pace with the developmental challenges in the South Asian economies, it is necessary to understand the livelihood experiences and hurdles faced by the Adivasis or tribal communities of South Asia.
Requirements to Submit an Abstract:
1) Title
2) Keywords: up to four keywords
3) Author(s): Present all authors and co-authors. There’s a limit of seven authors.
4) Abstract: 300 words maximum, can be submitted in either English, French, or Spanish.
- Abstract Submission Closes: 15 October 2024.
- Abstracts Selection Closes: 10 November 2024
- Notification of Acceptance: 5 December 2024
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