III. Eurasian Research on Modern China and Eurasia Conference
Contact: info@chinastan.org
Deadline: Tue, 30 Nov 2021
Call for papers
Academic conference: Eurasian Research on Modern China and Eurasia
Third Edition
Dates: December 3-4, 2021, Online.
The focus of the conference is on modern China-Eurasia studies, in a multi-disciplinary social science perspective.
Organizers: “China-Eurasia” Council for Political and Strategic Research, Foundation and Russian-Armenian University.
China-Eurasia Council for Political and Strategic Research organized 2 international academic conferences on this topic in partnership with Institute of Oriental studies in 2018; and Yerevan State University in 2019. As a result of these conferences, we prepared book China and Eurasia: Rethinking Cooperation and Contradictions in the Era of Changing World Order (Ed. Mher D. Sahakyan and Heinz Gärtner), which was published by Routledge in September 2021. https://www.routledge.com/China-and-Eurasia-Rethinking-Cooperation-and-Contradictions-in-the-Era/Sahakyan-Gartner/p/book/9780367623937
The Conference will be an occasion to facilitate exchanges on common research subjects, compare perspectives and methodologies and promote interdisciplinary dialogue.
The participants will present their research during thematic panels. Each speaker will deliver a paper in English. Among the different topics:
Topic 1: Political Relations between China and Eurasian States (Asian and European States)
Topic 2: Economic Relations between China and Eurasian States (Asian and European States)
Topic 3: Eurasia and Belt and Road Initiative.
Topic 4: Possible cooperation and contradictions between EU-China and EAEU-China.
Topic 5: People to people exchange between China and Eurasia
Topic 6: China and NATO
Topic 7: BRICS and Eurasia
Topic 8: China and ASEAN
Topic 9: Shanghai Cooperation Organization and Eurasia
Topic 10: China and Nordic States
Topic 11: China and Central and Eastern European States (16+1)
Topic 12: China and Muslim World
Topic 13: China and South Caucasus
Topic 14: China and Central Asia
Topic 15: China and Eurasian Mainland’s Security Issues (Cybersecurity, Nuclear proliferation, Environment, etc. )
Topic 16: China’s Digital Silk Road and Eurasia
Topic 17: COVID-19, China and Eurasia
Topic 18: Great Powers competition in Eurasia
Topic 19: The Eurasian Economic Union: Aims and Perspectives
Topic 20: China and Regions Beyond Eurasia (Latin America, Africa, Australia, etc.)
Who can apply?
The Conference is designed for researchers in Humanities and Social Sciences. It is mostly focused on International Relations, Economics, History, Political Sciences and Sociology, International Security Issues. Please note that this conference is designed as an academic one, non-academic appliers will be rejected.
Practical arrangements:
Because of COVID-19 outbreak this year conference will take place in online format. There is no attendance fee.
Registration details and schedule
1. A paper title and abstract (up to 400-1000 words) and Short Bio in English is to be sent by 29 November 2021 to Dr. Mher Sahakyan: info@chinastan.org and sahakyanmher@outlook.com
2. The selected participants will be notified about organizing committee decision within a week after sending their applications. Selected speakers will have 10 minutes for the presentation of their papers.
3. We intend to publish the best papers of the conference as a chapters in academic book. Invited speakers of the conference can send their full papers for peer review in English (up to 6000-7000 words) till February 27, 2022. Please use The Harvard referencing system.
Schedule and location
Address: Russian-Armenian University, 123 Hovsep Emin street,Yerevan, 0051 Armenia, (Online and Offline, detailed information will be provided to invited speakers).
Dates: 3-4 December 2021.
Deadline for submission of Abstracts: 29 November 2021.
Academic Council:
Dr. Mher Sahakyan, Director- “China-Eurasia” Council for Political and Strategic Research, Armenia. 2020/2021 Asia Global Fellow, AsiaGlobal Institute, University of Hong Kong.
Dr. Artur Israyelyan, Vice-rector for International Cooperation and Public Relations, Yerevan State University.
Dr. Zheng Yun-tian, Director-World Socialism Institute, and assistant director of BRI research center, Renmin University of China, PRC.
Dr. Konstantin Kurylev, Professor- Department of Theory and History of International Relations of Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, founder and Editor in-chief of the “Post-Soviet Studies” academic journal and Head of the Centre of Post-Soviet Studies, Russia.
Dr. Robert Ghazaryan, Director-Institute of Oriental Studies, National Academy of Sciences, Armenia.
Dr. Bin Ma, Associate Professor at the Center for Russian and Central Asian Studies, Institute of International Studies, Fudan University, PRC.
Dr. Ruben Elamiryan, Chairperson and Associate Professor at the Department of World Politics and International Relations of Russian-Armenian University, Executive Officer of IPSA RC41 – Geopolitics.
Dr. Sanja Arezina, Counselor with the Government of the Republic of Serbia, Research Associate-Assistant Professor at Belgrade University, Serbia.2020/2021 Asia Global Fellow, AsiaGlobal Institute, University of Hong Kong.
Dr. Sudhir Kumar Singh, professor- Dyal Singh College, University of Delhi, New Delhi, India.
Dr. Suha Atature, Professor and Chair of International Relations – Gedik University, Turkey.
Dr. Alexander Korolev, PhD, Deputy Head of Eurasian Sector, Higher School of Economics, Russia
Dr. Pramod Jaiswal, Research Director-Nepal Institute for International Cooperation and Engagement, Nepal.
Dr. Boris Vukićević, Associate Professor-University of Montenegro, Montenegro.
Dr. Varuzhan Geghamyan, Assistant Professor-Yerevan State University, Director-ARDI Institute, Armenia.
Dr. Vakhtang Charaia, Director – Center for Analysis and Forecasting at Tbilisi State University, Georgia.
Dr. Anahit Parzyan, Specialist in the Field of Cybersecurity.
Organizers Contacts
“China-Eurasia” Council for Political and Strategic Research, Foundation, Armenia
Website: https://chinastan.org/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ChinaEurasiacouncil
Email: info@chinastan.org
Russian-Armenian University, Armenia
Website: https://rau.am/