Michał Krotoszyński
Transitional Justice Models and Analytic Philosophy: Towards Theory
Joanna Kulska
Dealing with a Trauma Burdened Past: between Remembering and Forgetting
Tomasz Lachowski
Transitional Justice in Ongoing Confl icts and Post-War Reconstruction: Reintegrating Donbas into Ukraine
Agnieszka Szpak
Indigenous Mechanisms of Transitional Justice as Complementary Instruments to State Justice Systems: Cases of mato oput in Uganda, bashingantahe Councils in Burundi and Navajos’ Custom of naat’aani
Jakub Gortat
A Case of Successful Transitional Justice: Fritz Bauer and his Late Recognition in the Federal Republic of Germany
Renata Podgórzańska
Th e Migration Crisis from the East-Central European Perspective: Challenges for Regional Security
Karolina Wojtasik
How and Why Do Terrorist Organizations Use the Internet?
Jarosław Piątek
Privatisation of Security: Private Military Contractors Serving Governments
Zdzisław W. Puślecki
Current Trends in Foreign Trade Th eory and Policy
Michał Lubina
Big Words, Little Results: the Chinese Investments in Poland from the Political Perspective
Maciej Walkowski
Th e EU-China Economic Relations: a Harmful Competition or a Strategic Cooperation?
Maciej Herbut, Renata Kunert-Milcarz
Th e Explanatory Power of Structural Realism in the 21st Century: the Eastern Partnership, Russian Expansionism and the War in Ukraine
Eric Pomès
Technological Innovations and International Humanitarian Law: Challenges and Tensions
Jerzy Jaskiernia
Th e Development of the Polish Party System: a Perspective of the Parliamentary Elections Results
Małgorzata Kamola-Cieślik
Th e Government’s Policy in the Field of Hard Coal Mining Restructuration as an Element of Poland’s Energy Security
Natalia Roślik
Corporate Politics on Polish Millennials
Sandra Borges Tavares, Mikka Lene Pers-Hoejholt, Sanna Stegmaier, Christian Pentzold Complexities of the Mundane: Recollections. Workshop Power and Politics of Mundane
Memories. Tracing, Templating and Transforming Everyday Life
Tomasz Lachowski
How to Reckon with Past Evils? Rethinking Transitional Justice Strategies in Post-Authoritarian and Post-Confl ict Environments. Th e Łódź PPSY International Seminar Transitional Justice: Between Redemption and Retribution
Joanna Siekiera
On Oceania at the Jagiellonian University. Th e 9th Conference of the Australia, New Zealand and Oceania Research Association Oceania – Centre of the Pacifi c Rim
Andrzej Paweł Śledź
Twenty Years After Communism: Th e Methodological Review. Review Essay: Michael Bernhard & Jan Kubik (Eds.), Twenty Years after Communism: Th e Politics of Memory and Commemoration
Hector Calleros-Rodriguez
Unlikely Resistance in the United States. Book Review: Adam Burgos, Political Philosophy and Political Action. Imperatives of Resistance
Robert Borkowski
All Along the Watchtower. Book Review: Wolfgang Sofsky, Ustrój terroru: obóz koncentracyjny
Olga Barbasiewicz, Katarzyna Nowak
Understanding Politics and History through the Images. Book Review: Heinz-Dietrich Fischer, Coverage of Political Occurrences in Asia. Pulitzer Prize Winning Articles, Cartoons and Photos
Joanna Rak
How to Understand Carl Schmitt? Book Review: Adam Wielomski, W poszukiwaniu Katechona: Teologia polityczna Carla Schmitta
Malwina Hopej
Geopolitical Basis for Enlargement of the European Union. Book Review: Pierre Verluise, Geopolityka granic Wspólnoty Europejskiej