Politics, Culture and Socialization
Publication date: Jan 2011
ISNN: 1866-3427
Barbara Budrich Publishers
Table of contents 'Politics, Culture and Socialization' vol. 2, nr. 1
1. Articles - Abstracts
'Psychological Dysfunction and Great Achievement: The Presidency of Lyndon B. Johnson', by Robert E. Gilbert, USA
'About Socialization of Russia in the “Big Eight”: Russia’s Self-perception', by Igor Kiselev & Anna Smirnova, Russia
'Vote Buying or Respecting ‘Culture’? Cameroonian Politicians’ Contending Interpretations of Campaign Donations', by Teke Ngomba, Denmark
'Ideological variation in political style and emotive strategy of metaphor', by Christ’l De Landtsheer & Dieter Vertessen, Belgium
'Despite everything, an engaged socialization: Childhood and adulthood processes leading to politically engaged citizens in Spain', by Carolina Galais, Spain
2. Book Reviews
Propaganda and Information Warfare in the Twenty-First Century. Altered images and deception operations (by Scot Macdonald)
Reviewed by Hans IJsenbout
The New Media Environment: An Introduction (by Andrea L. Press and Bruce A. Williams)
Reviewed by Dan B. German
Papi. Uno scandalo politico (by Peter Gomez, Marco Lillo & Marco Travaglio)
Reviewed by Jurriaan Middelhoff
3. Conference Information