IPSA at the 10th International Congress of the Mexican Political Science Association
Publication date: Thu, 03 Nov 2022
The 10th International Congress of the Mexican Political Science Association (AMECIP) will be held in Mérida, Yucatán on 22-25 November 2022 under the theme of Vulnerabilities and Resilience of Democracies in a Post-pandemic World.
IPSA President-Elect Pablo Oñate will deliver a keynote speech on 23 November, entitled Populism and Radical Populist Parties: Their Impact on Contemporary Democracies. IPSA Executive Committee member, Prof. Azul Aguiar Aguilar, will also serve as commentator during this session.
Prof. Oñate will analyze the salient features of the populist phenomenon and radical populist parties, across the ideological spectrum from left to right, pointing out features common to both sides of the Atlantic. Additionally, different positions will be discussed in terms of the effects that populism and populist parties may have on the effective function of our democratic political systems.
IPSA Exhibition Booth
Come visit us at the AMECIP Congress hosted by Modelo University in Mérida! Dr. Mauro Saiz, Professor at Universidad Católica Argentina and member of the 2023 IPSA World Congress Local Organizing Committee, will be on site on 22-25 November to greet attendees and provide information on the 2023 IPSA World Congress in Buenos Aires.
Find out more: congreso.amecip.com