IPSA Present at the 2022 APSA Annual Meeting
Publication date: Tue, 18 Oct 2022
*Photo: IPSA President Dianne Pinderhughes and Executive Director Kim Fontaine-Skronski at the IPSA booth.
The American Political Science Association’s (APSA) 118th Annual Meeting was held in Montréal, Canada, on 15-18 September 2022, and IPSA once again had a strong representation. The 2022 Annual Meeting was held under the theme Rethink, Restructure, and Reconnect: Towards A Post-Pandemic Political Science.
Visit of IPSA's Executive Committee
Several current IPSA Executive Committee members visited the IPSA Secretariat on 13 September to meet the Secretariat staff just before the opening of the Open Access Publishing Conference. They visited IPSA Secretariat’s new office space at Concordia University, which welcomed the staff in September 2021.
Photo (from left to right): Theresa Reidy, Euiyoung Kim, Ekaterina Kuzmenko, Kim Fontaine-Skronski, Dianne Pinderhughes, Marianne Kneuer, Stephen Sawyer and Emilia Palonen.
The Canadian Politics Section Cocktail Reception
IPSA partnered with the Canadian Political Science Association (CPSA) as well as McGill and Concordia Universities in support of APSA’s Canadian Politics Section reception as part of the 2022 APSA Annual Meeting. The event was held at the Palais des Congrès de Montréal on 15 September and hosted over 60 guests, including the Consul General of the United States in Montréal, Ana Escrogima.
Photo (from left to right): André Lecours, CPSA President; Ana Escrogima, Consul General of the United States in Montréal; Graham Dodds, Concordia University; and Dianne Pinderhughes, IPSA President.
APSA Theme Panel
IPSA President Dianne Pinderhughes was one of the speakers on the 2022 APSA Annual Meeting theme panel entitled A Profession in Flux: Political Science Responds to a Changing World, on 16 September. The roundtable, chaired by Tony Affigne, Providence College, addressed the transformation the discipline has undergone in response to rapidly evolving academic and professional environments, demographics, and the methodological profiles of the political science scholarly community. The other speakers included Paula D. McClain, Duke University; Janelle Wong, University of Maryland; Gabriel Sanchez, University of New Mexico; Lisa Garcia Bedolla, University of California, Berkeley; Michael Brintnall, Montgomery College and Andy L. Aoki, Augsburg University.
IPSR Cocktail Reception
IPSA’s flagship journal, the International Political Science Review (IPSR), hosted a cocktail reception on 16 September. The IPSR editors, Theresa Reidy and Daniel Stockemer, were present to meet APSA delegates, international publishers and guests, and field various questions about the journal and the submission process. IPSA President Dianne Pinderhughes said a few words to the attendees and promoted the World Congress of Political Science, which will take place in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in July 2023.
Photo (from left to right): Daniel Stockemer, IPSR Co-Editor; Emilia Palonen, Chair of the Publications Committee; Theresa Reidy, IPSR Co-Editor.
The Korean Political Science Association Panel and Reception
The Korean Political Science Association (KPSA) organized the KF-KPSA Korean Politics Connection: Challenges and Responses of Democracy in Korea panel on 16 September 2022. The panel was followed by a cocktail reception with the participation of APSA delegates, IPSA Executive Committee members, guests and diplomats based in Montreal.
Photo (from left to right): Ajin Choi, KPSA President-Elect; Dianne Pinderhughes, IPSA President; Sunghack Lim, KPSA President; Euiyoung Kim, IPSA Executive Committee member and World Congress 2023 Program Co-Chair.
IPSA Panel
IPSA presented a panel, co-chaired by IPSR editors Theresa Reidy and Daniel Stockemer, under the theme The Political Science Publication Landscape after COVID-19. The panel, held on 17 September, discussed the evolution of the political science publishing landscape in recent years, specifically in regard to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. The panel consisted of the following speakers: Michelle L. Dion (American Political Science Review, McMaster University); Susan Franceschet (Politics and Gender, University of Calgary); Geoff Layman (Political Behavior, University of Notre Dame) and Andrew R. Lewis (Politics and Religion, University of Cincinnati).
APSA Poster Session
IPSA Past President Marianne Kneuer presented her research project, entitled Development and Drivers of Solidarity Attitudes during the COVID Pandemic, on 17 September at the APSA Poster Session.
IPSA Booth
IPSA staffed an onsite booth to greet attendees and meet with APSA delegates, publishers and other regional and international organizations. IPSA’s team provided information on the 2023 IPSA World Congress and IPSA services. Various promotional items were available for visitors and several members of IPSA’s Executive Committee made appearances, including IPSA President Dianne Pinderhughes, IPSA Past President Marianne Kneuer, Chair of the Publications Committee Emilia Palonen, Chair of the Task Force on the Advancement of the Discipline and International Outreach Irasema Coronado, IPSR Co-editors Daniel Stockemer and Theresa Reidy, International Political Science Abstracts Co-Editor Stephen Sawyer, and Executive Director Kim Fontaine-Skronski.
Photo: IPSA Past President Marianne Kneuer at the IPSA booth.
Other Panels
- Dr. Pinderhughes talked at the Uneven Roads of the 2020 Election and the Early Biden Administration roundtable on 15 September.
- Prof. Stockemer presented at the Teaching Political Science in Times of Conflict panel on 15 September.