IPSA Statement on the Situation in Ukraine
Publication date: Thu, 03 Mar 2022
The International Political Science Association (IPSA) joins with our colleagues across the world in expressing deep concerns for the unjustified and illegal military incursion into Ukraine by the Putin regime. We are greatly alarmed by the grave humanitarian crisis in Ukraine, by the attacks on democracy and its core values such as human rights, the principle of sovereignty and peaceful cohabitation amongst the peoples of the world.
IPSA’s mission is to support the development of political science in all parts of the world by building academic networks linking East and West, North and South, and by creating an inclusive and global political science community in which all can participate. IPSA supports the principles of peace and collaboration within and between states. Therefore, we urge the Putin regime to stop all violent action and pursue efforts of finding a diplomatic solution.
We stand with the political science communities in all nations and will collaborate with partner organizations to assist colleagues affected by the situation.