Terrell Carver graduated from Columbia University in the City of New York in 1968 in Government and History, and took two graduate degrees in Politics at Balliol College, Oxford (BPhil 1970, DPhil 1975). He has worked at the University of Liverpool and University of Bristol (since 1980) in the UK, and has held visiting teaching and research posts at universities in Japan, Australia and the USA. He is a textual and contextual scholar on the works and thought of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels and serves on the Redaktionskommission for the Gesamtusgabe headquartered in Berlin. He has also contributed to masculinity studies, feminist theory and gender studies, publishing books and articles on the work of Judith Butler and on masculinity issues in International Relations. His interest in post-structuralism as a qualitative methodology in social science has led him to research involving visual culture and the built environment. As a long-serving member of the Executive Committee of the Political Studies Association of the United Kingdom he has mobilized resources for an extensive program of exchange relationships with other national and international associations in political science. Nearly 500 individuals have received grants and aid furthering the internationalization of the profession through these schemes which adjust for differing access to resources and give preference to younger scholars and advanced graduate students. He has considerable experience with IPSA's member associations in North and South America, Australasia and the Pacific, Europe, the Middle East, and South, Southeast and East Asia.
He is also a current member of the editorial board of the IPSA journal International Political Science Review. Carver is also co-editor if the journal Contemporary Political Theory, and is currently a member of the PSA UK Executive Committee.