The new right and the welfare state: The electoral relevance of welfare chauvinism and welfare populism in the Netherlands
Willem de Koster, Peter Achterberg, and Jeroen van der Waal
Worlds apart: The WTO’s Agreement on Agriculture and the right to food in developing countries
Shona Hawkes and Jagjit Kaur Plahe
Dialogue or compliance? Measuring legislatures’ policy responses to court rulings on rights
Emmett Macfarlane
Different but equally plausible narratives of policy transformation: A plea for theoretical pluralism
Jeroen van der Heijden
Bribes and ballots: The impact of corruption on voter turnout in democracies
Daniel Stockemer, Bernadette LaMontagne, and Lyle Scruggs
Measuring presidential powers: Some pitfalls of aggregate measurement
Jessica Fortin