In search of political influence: Outside lobbying behaviour and media coverage of social movements, interest groups and political parties in six Western European countries
Anke Tresch and Manuel Fischer
Disenfranchised minorities: Trust, definitions of citizenship, and noncitizen voting rights in developed democracies
Florian Justwan
Women’s descriptive representation in developed and developing countries
Daniel Stockemer
Helping hand or heavy hand? Foreign aid, regime type and domestic unrest
Daniel Yuichi Kono, Gabriella R. Montinola, and Nicholas Verbon
The rise of the cosmopolitan traditionalists: From the Arab Spring to a global countermovement?
Adam K. Webb
Policy change and coups: The role of income inequality and asset specificity
Taeko Hiroi and Sawa Omori
Democracy, ethnic fractionalisation, and the politics of social spending: Disentangling a conditional relationship
Carsten Jensen and Svend-Erik Skaaning