Political trust, extra-representational participation and the openness of political systems
Daniela Braun and Swen Hutter
Types of outcomes in factional rivalries: Lessons from non-democratic parties in Turkey
Pelin Ayan Musil and Hasret Dikici Bilgin
More than post-election cabinets: Uncertainty and the “magnitude of change” during Italian government bargaining
Luigi Curini and Luca Pinto
When do deliberative citizens change their opinions? Evidence from the Irish Citizens’ Assembly
Jane Suiter, David M Farrell, and Eoin O’Malley
Beyond rationalization: Voting out of duty or expressing duty after voting?
Carol Galais and André Blais
Oil, urbanization, and ‘pacted’ ethnic politics: Indigenous movements in Latin America Chi-hung Wei Factors of party system nationalization
Grigorii V Golosov
Political values count but issue ownership decides? How stable and dynamic factors influence party set and vote choice in multiparty systems
Rune Karlsen and Bernt Aardal
Representation in times of crisis: deputy–voter congruence on views of representation in Portugal
Ana Maria Belchior, Emmanouil Tsatsanis, and Conceição Pequito Teixeira