Political consumerism: A meta-analysis
Lauren Copeland and Shelley Boulianne
The democratic potential of political consumerism: The effect of visibility bias and social stratification
Marc Hooghe and Silke Goubin
Psychological roots of political consumerism: Personality traits and participation in boycott and buycott
Kathrin Ackermann and Birte Gundelach
Deliberative democracy in the age of serial crisis
Nicole Curato, Jensen Sass, Selen A Ercan and Simon Niemeyer
The paradoxical effect of welfare knowledge: Unveiling income cleavage over attitudes to welfare in South Korea
Sijeong Lim and Seiki Tanaka
Ethnic diversity and social welfare provision in non-democracies: Evidence from China
Yichen Guan
Does process matter? Experimental evidence on the effect of procedural fairness on citizens’ evaluations of policy outcomes
Aaron Martin, Gosia Mikołajczak and Raymond Orr
The transfers game: A comparative analysis of the mechanical effect of lower preference votes in STV systems
Stephen Quinlan and Hannah Schwarz
Two-level games and market constraints on politics in Europe
Iain McMenamin, Michael Breen and Juan Muñoz-Portillo