Special Issue: The BRICS, Global Governance, and Challenges for South-South Cooperation in a Post-Western World
Introduction: ‘The BRICS, Global Governance, and Challenges for South–South Cooperation in a Post-Western World’
Niall Duggan, Bas Hooijmaaijers, Marek Rewizorski and Ekaterina Arapova
The internal and external institutionalization of the BRICS countries: The case of the New Development Bank
Bas Hooijmaaijers
The structural power of the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) in multilateral development finance: A case study of the New Development Bank
Niall Duggan, Juan Carlos Ladines Azalia and Marek Rewizorski
BRICS, G20 and global economic governance reform
Marina Larionova and Andrey Shelepov
Original Research Articles
Why states inform: Compliance with self-reporting obligations in universal treaty regimes
Jan Karlas
United we stand and divided we fall: Coalitions in the GATT/WTO negotiations
Gabriel Cepaluni and Ivan Filipe Fernandes
Time is of the essence: Explaining the duration of European Union lawmaking under the co-decision procedure
Adam Kirpsza
The tolerance of the despised: Atheists, the non-religious, and the value of pluralism
Charles Devellennes and Paul Matthew Loveless
Vanguard or business-as-usual? ‘New’ movement parties in comparative perspective
Davide Vittori