Comparing the Emergence and Impact of Developmental States of Southern Africa and Latin America

Dr. Wayne Edge
Open Panel


Although the Developmental States of Asia, the so called Asian Tigers, are well documented, there is much less written on Developmental States in Africa and Latin America. This panel, through comparative analysis, will explore some of the Developmental States of Southern Africa and Latin America.
Based on the literature, some features of the Development State are as follows:
• Government’s role as the principal agent of development in the nation.
• The existence of an authoritarian government directing the state administration.
• State control and mediation of workers wage demands upon employers.
• A strong state capable of articulating its development goals through planning, and executing its development plans.
• The existence of a military uninvolved in politics.
• The expansion of social services and infrastructure.
• Increases in the rate of growth, gross national product (GNP), and per capital income during an extended period of time.
• A weak private sector
• Increased manufacturing output with an active attempt to obtain rapid industrialization.
• Government effectiveness in the delivery of goods and services.
• National Development Plan that serves to unify the various sectors of economic, social, and infrastructure activities, by focusing on development as a
• Creation of a state structure intended for the purpose of development administration, as opposed to facilitating the administration of public services.
• A Colonial past that restricted development, and was frequently hindered by a racially based economic system, aimed at sustaining the colonial state and
a small minority, while restricting the development efforts of the vast majority.
In the context of Southern Africa however there are differentiations from the Development State model
• An authoritarian government is not needed
• Development itself need not be based on manufacturing
Could be based on mineral extraction which can create backwards and forwards linkages into markets (e.g. polishing diamonds etc.)
Could be based on tourism and the exploitation of the natural environment
• Botswana, Namibia, Mauritius, South Africa, Tanzania, Zambia etc. have legitimate claims to being Development States.
• SADC acts as a regional development arm which assist the member states in achieving their development goals.

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