Multiplex World Order in Global Politics: Theoretical Approaches and Practical Implications

Open Panel

This panel seeks to explore the innovative theoretical frameworks emerging from the study of the changing global order, particularly through the lens of Multiplex World Order. The concept introduces an interdisciplinary approach, integrating insights from international relations theory, economics and social sciences to model the complex and often contradictory nature of global politics. By examining how traditional realist and liberal frameworks are being challenged and complemented by new approaches, this panel will provide a platform for discussing the evolution of global governance, power dynamics, geopolitics and geoeconomics. The discussion will emphasize the importance of incorporating diverse methodologies and perspectives to better understand and predict the shifting global order.

Suggested Topics:
• The Multiplex World Order: Redefining Global Power Structures through Realism.
• Interdisciplinary Approaches to Global Governance: Integrating Political Science, Economics, and Social Sciences.
• The Role of Non-state Actors in Shaping the Global Order
• Beyond Realism and Liberalism: New Theoretical Directions in International Relations.
• The Impact of Great Power Competition on Global Stability

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