Quest of world beyond the West: An analysis of alternative worldview

Open Panel

The prevailing discourse on world order is obviously dominated by the liberal international order, though there had been other contending approaches in existence since long. For any approach or worldviews to have a firm grounding, the soundness of its foundational basis is as important as the practical implementation of those principles. Perception about the viability and the soundness of principles also play critical role. Mere kneejerk response or response mediated in immediacy of reaction, without it being theoretically backed, historically ingrained and realistically feasible, will only supplement the dominant narrative. Unfortunately or fortunately, this has happened with the alternatives to the dominantly prevailing global order. Generally, the alternatives to the prevailing global order are seen in the context of the prevailing global order only and as such, are usually taken in the frame of they being either in resistance or in support of the existing paradigm rather than being analysed as an alternative per se.

This panel aims to explore the alternatives to the prevailing global order, analyse if they can be an alternative in the real sense of the term and enquire the how, why and the current status thereof? The Chinese, Budhist, Islamic and other alternative worldviews will be discussed in detail for this purpose. Particularly, the political and normative aspect of their exposition will be analysed.

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