Roundtable: The Ascent of Geoeconomics and Reglobalization Processes


With rising geopolitical tensions, states have sought to establish economic partnerships with either military allies or ideologically-aligned countries, as is the case of the United States in the context of the chip industry. Yet, not only trade and investment ties become subject to weaponization, but also technology itself becomes a tool of competition. In this scenario, it is worth analyzing whether such trends shall prompt a reconfiguration of globalization with emphasis on segregated political-economic orders. The panel aims to address those debates by discussing the concept of geoeconomics as a process of reglobalization instead of deglobalization. In this vein, it is more appropriate to conceive the current period as a Second Cold War between an Euroatlantic bloc and a Eurasian one that shall emerge as the main poles of regionally integrated economies at the expense of global multilateralism.

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