GL08 Latin American Politics

Track Code
Track Chairs
Dr. Jesús Tovar
Dr. Sarah Patricia Cerna Villagra

We invite scholars and researchers from around the world to submit paper and panel proposals on the topic of Latin America Politics. This track is an excellent opportunity to explore the complexities and challenges facing politics in Latin America, from the impact of globalization and neoliberalism to the struggles for democracy and social justice. The Latin America region is marked by diversity, contrasts, conflicts, and aspirations. This track seeks papers that address a wide range of theoretical, empirical, and methodological issues, including: What are the main trends and challenges of democratic governance in Latin America today? How do authoritarian tendencies impact the new configuration of politics in Latin America? How have social movements and civil society organizations contributed to the democratization of politics in the region? What is the place of Latin America in the global political economy, including regional integration, trade agreements, and developmental models? How should we understand the cultural, social, and historical dimensions of Latin American politics, including the legacies of colonialism and indigenous resistance? What are the prospects for innovative policies and practices that promote equality, justice, and sustainability in Latin America?