Track Code LOC08 Track Chairs Dr. Min Hee Go Prof. Heesik Choi Prof. Kenneth McElwain Prof. Chihsien Kuo Dr. Hiroki Miura TBC Panels Aging Asia: Demographic Crisis and the Future of Democracy in East AsiaChair: Dr. Min Hee Go Frontiers in Survey MethodologyChair: Prof. Yoshikuni Ono The 60th Anniversary of the Normalization of Korea-Japan Diplomatic Relations: Retrospects and Prospects Chair: Dr. Hiroki Miura The Political Economy of Semiconductor Industries in Taiwan and South KoreaChair: Prof. Chung-min Tsai The Politics of Memory and Identity: between Korean Peninsula and Japan Chair: Prof. Heesik Choi Women's Advocacy and Political Participation in East AsiaChair: Prof. Chang-Ling Huang