RC35 Technology and Development

Track Code
Track Chairs
Prof. Miguel Rocha de Sousa
Dr. Preeti Sharma
Dr. Brian Warby

Examines the complex relationship between technology and development in the context of the political and institutional process, using a comparative framework. Its specific objectives are to identify broad political, administrative and policy strategies related to technology transfer and environmentally sound sustainable development; to analyse policy options for dealing with global, transboundary, and domestic issues relating to technological changes and environmental challenges; to examine the ethical, cultural, legal, political, institutional, administrative, scientific and technological frameworks which underlie and shape the human dimension of global change.

To foster a global network of political scientists and others to engage in research in the dynamics of human interactions with science and technology; and to provide a comparative perspective to such issues as sustainable development, managing the environment, technology transfer, global environmental facility, role of international aid agencies.