RC28 facilitates the pursuit of comparative research and scholarship on federalism, intra-state regionalism, decentralization, and multilevel governance. This includes the theoretical, conceptual, and normative discussion as well as the empirical analysis of territorial power-sharing. Topics of particular interest to RC28 are intergovernmental relations; administrative and fiscal relationships; multilevel political behavior and policy-making; and territorially-based ethnic, cultural, and religious diversity. RC28’s comparative attention spans federal, confederal, quasi-federal, as well as non-federal systems, including subnational and supranational political bodies.
- Authoritarian Federalism?
Chair: Dr. Michael Breen - Federalism and Crisis
Chair: Dr. Soeren Keil - Federalism in Asia: Trends and Prospects
Chair: Dr. Michael Breen - Intergovernmental Transfers and Public Policy in Federal and Decentralized Countries
Chair: Dr. Mariely Lopez-Santana - New Theories on Federalism and Decentralisation
Chair: Dr. Soeren Keil - Power-sharing and Federalism in the 21st Century
Chair: Dr. Elisabeth Alber - Sub-national Legislatures and Political Systems: The Role of Intermediary Legislative Institutions
Chair: Dr. Rodinei Silva - Territorial Inequalities in Multilevel Systems
Chair: Dr. Johanna Schnabel - The struggled coordination in Intergovernmental Relations: between integration and differentiation
Chair: Mr. Rubén Tamboleo García